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Thanksgiving Tips | Dog Training In Your Home Myrtle Beach

Dogs at Thanksgiving – Keep them safe, healthy and loved by guests!

Can you believe it’s already time for Thanksgiving?  I don’t know about you, but this year has FLOWN by!  And I’m sure many of you have guests coming over for the big meal that Thursday.  Whether you have had obedience training or not, here are 9 Thanksgiving tips for dogs to keep them safe, healthy, and (best of all) loved by your guests at your family gathering!

9 Thanksgiving Tips for Dogs

Before they arrive:

  1. Make sure your food prep is puppy-proofed as best as possible.  Keep dishes away from the edge of the counter (especially if you have a large breed) to deter curious noses.
  2. Teach a “wait at the door” command. Put your dog on leash (to keep them from darting while you are teaching this), and practice telling your dog “wait” or “back” while at the same time blocking their way out with your body and walking towards them (pushing them farther away from the door). When they get to a designated distance away, praise them and practice opening the door while they stay there.  If they come towards you before you want them to, tell them “no” while correcting them on the leash or stepping back into their path to block them and guide them back to where you want them.  Release them only after you have closed the door and “guests” have come in.  (Need help? We teach this in ALL of our programs).

When guests get there:

  1. Use your “wait” command you’ve been practicing 😉
  2. Keep your dog on leash if you haven’t taught a wait command, and your dog is a darter.  Be sure to keep that leash in your hand as you open the door!
  3. Don’t allow your dog to jump on guests – that is just good manners 😉
  4. If your dog is especially shy/nervous/aggressive with new people or in crowds, do them and your guests a favor and put them in a crate, bathroom, laundry room, or designated area they are out of the stressful situation. Make it comfortable and positive – put their bed in there with some chew toys, kong, puzzle toys, etc. to keep them occupied.  After Thanksgiving, give us a call and we can work on this before Christmas 😉

During dinner/while cooking:

  1. Keep them out of the kitchen with baby gates or a “place” command.  Nobody likes to have their dog under their feet in the kitchen, but it’s especially aggravating when you’re trying to get your big dinner ready! My dog is trained to wait outside of the kitchen door and not come in if I send him there.  This way, I am not worried he will jump on counters, the stove, stick his nose in an open oven or dishwasher….and I’m not worried about tripping over him and dropping the dish I just worked so hard to cook!
  2. Keep them away from the table while you’re eating.  There are some people foods that are dangerous to dogs, and a lot of them show up around this time of year. Use the place command or put them away in another room while you and your guests eat.  Even if you’re aware of the foods that your dog can’t eat, your guests may not be.  While there are some foods that are bad across the board, your dog may have food allergies/sensitivities that your guests may not know about. Keeping them away from the table prevents temptations for feeding your pup when they get “those eyes”.

After dinner:

  1. Take a walk 🙂 Your dog will be happy to help you walk off part of that wonderful meal you just ate, and it will get them some much-needed exercise to relieve some pent-up energy!

We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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