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Responsible Dog Owners | Dog Training In Your Home Myrtle Beach

Do you own a dog?  Great!  Now, please, be a responsible dog owner…

September has a host of Pet Holidays, and one is that it is recognized as is Responsible Pet Owner’s Month. Being a dog owner isn’t just all fun and games….Sure, we want you to have fun with your dog. But with that fun comes the responsibility of taking care of another living thing. It may not be able to talk like your kids, but most people would agree that bringing a dog home means you’re adding a member to the family. You want your dog to be included in your family activities, get along with all the members, and love you as much as you love it 🙂  I’m assuming since you’re reading this blog, you’re a dog-lover….so I don’t need to go into neglect, abuse, etc…because you’d never do that, right? 😉

Here are 5 Things Responsible Dog Owners Do:

1. They Set Ground Rules

You may have heard that dogs are like kids.  Well, you may have also heard that kids like and need rules.  It’s the same with dogs.  They are pack members and need to have a leader – or else they will take that position. And you don’t want the 5-pound Yorkie bossing you around, do you? 😉  What about a full-grown German Shepherd?  Yeah, that one might scare a few more people. Ground rules aren’t “mean” and they won’t “break your dog’s spirit”, but they can help establish what you like and don’t like so your dog knows how to make you happy.  Examples: no jumping on people/kids/furniture, stop barking when I tell you, don’t crowd the food bowl when I put it down, don’t dart out the door.  And yes, these can all be trained!

If you own a dog, then it's up to you to be a responsible dog owner. If you're new to owning a dog, here are 5 things responsible dog owners do to help you get started. | Dog Training In Your Home, Myrtle Beach
2. They Enroll in Basic Obedience.

This kind of goes along with #1, but the basic obedience commands can help your dog get those lovely manners you want to have around your house and guests.  It also helps teach your dog to trust, respect and listen to you (again, like you want your kids to do) and the rest of your family because you are building a bond with your dog as you teach them.

Related: Training Programs

3. They Maintain Flea and Tick Treatments

There are many diseases that can be carried by parasites, so why not keep them up to date on their flea and tick treatments?  Plus, who wants fleas and ticks in their house anyway?  That creates a bigger problem for you and your family!

If you own a dog, then it's up to you to be a responsible dog owner. If you're new to owning a dog, here are 5 things responsible dog owners do to help you get started. | Dog Training In Your Home, Myrtle Beach
4. They Take Care of Their Dog’s Health and Medical Needs.

From their first puppy visits and shots, their annual checkups, and any other medical problems in-between, responsible dog owners can tell when their dog isn’t feeling/acting “normal”.  So their owners take their dog in to get treated before small problems become bigger problems.  Nutrition is also part of taking care of your dog – make sure they are on a nutritional food: one that has a protein as a major ingredient, and not one that contains a lot of “fillers”.

Related: Pet Dental Health Month

5. They Keep Them Physically and Mentally Active.

Obedience training will help with the mental activity, but so will training “fun” things – like agility, tricks, or a sport.  Using puzzle toys or playing “find the treat” will also keep them mentally acute.  Physical activity can be anything from walking, swimming, running next to your bike, a good game of fetch, etc.  Be creative if you have to, but keep their brains and muscles active, and they will live nice, full, happy lives 🙂

If you own a dog, then it's up to you to be a responsible dog owner. If you're new to owning a dog, here are 5 things responsible dog owners do to help you get started. | Dog Training In Your Home, Myrtle Beach

We know you love your dog, and I’m sure most of these aren’t new to you.  But, they are always good reminders!

If you need help training any obedience or working on some behavior problems, we have TONS of experience and can would love to talk with you!

Call today: 843-360-6033 FIRST VISIT FREE!

Any age, Any breed; Veterinarian Recommended

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