






Play with Your Puppy | Dog Training In Your Home Myrtle Beach

Why Puppy Playtime is Important

Puppies love to play, and we love to watch them!  Whether it is playing with another puppy, an older dog, or playing with their owners, puppy playtime is important for their development.  What?  You thought it was just for fun? Guess again!

  1. By playing with toys, other dogs, or humans, puppies are getting both mental and physical stimulation/development.
  2. Puppy playtime provides training, and it also strengthens their bond with their owners.  How does it provide training, you ask?  Playing with it’s litter-mates and mother help teach it bite inhibition (they bite too hard, there is a yip), as well as respect for elders/social order.
  3. It builds confidence with litter-mates with socialization.
  4. Fetching a ball and playing tug with owners helps to teach rules, how to adhere to them (or create a habit), and is rewarding because they are having fun.
  5. While you’re both having such a good time, your puppy is also learning what is appropriate play, and what is not. For example, jumping on you is not appropriate and does not get rewarded (the play stops).

So enjoy that new puppy, have fun, and get out there and play!

What about you? What’s your favorite way to incorporate puppy playtime?

Related: How Do You Add Enrichment

Ideas taken from and expanded on from Dogster Magazine (formerly Dog Fancy)

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